Dual Sensory Loss

Dual Sensory Loss

Your Eyes and Ears, Add Life to Years Our family wishes yours a happy and healthy 2024! In the year ahead, we will continue sharing useful educational information which supports you making well-informed hearing healthcare decisions. Your readership of our informative blogs is appreciated, with important feedback and questions welcomed. We seek to serve and […]

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Must Your Ears Be Ringing? Hear the Facts.

Must Your Ears Be Ringing? Hear the Facts.

What do we call a chronic malady, affecting 100s of millions of people globally, which: Is a common condition that is usually subjective, perceived only by the patient, and therefore diagnosis and monitoring rely on self-report? Can have a direct impact on a person’s emotional well-being, their hearing, and ability to sleep? Is the most […]

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Keep Reading...Must Your Ears Be Ringing? Hear the Facts.

Theos Audiology Solutions, LLC

Peru, IL

2200 Marquette Rd. Ste. 115Peru, IL 61354

Call or Text: 815-374-7954

Monday: 9am-4pm
Wednesday: 9am-4pm
Friday: 9am-4pm

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Galesburg, IL

360 E. Losey St. Galesburg, IL 61401

Call or Text: 309-315-3506

Monday: 8am-4pm
Tuesday: 8am-1pm
Wednesday 8am-4pm
Thursday: 8am-4pm
Friday: CLOSED

Streator, IL

114 N. Monroe St. Unit B Streator, IL 61364

Call or Text: 815-863-8743

Tuesdays: 9am-4pm
Thursdays: 9am-4pm

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