Cognitive Decline

With the 2024 Olympics in full swing, fans globally cheer on their favorite athletes to win Gold, Silver, or Bronze. From Archery to Wrestling, including traditional sports such as swimming or gymnastics and newer ones like skateboarding, talented competitors show results that reflect years of intense training.

Watching them exercise their bodies presents a timely opportunity to emphasize the advantages of exercising our minds.

This excerpt from Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience journal speaks volumes:

“Although research on the role of hearing loss on dementia risk was initiated over 40 years ago, the recent surge in the evidence supporting adverse outcomes across health and care among older adults with hearing loss has come to the attention of patients and their families, clinicians, and policymakers. The human and economic expense of caring for the expected growing number of adults reaching or past retirement age demands interdisciplinary collaboration.” 1

Personally, seeking High(er) Performance implies motivational goals, healthy choices and daily action steps. On a physical level, consider vital human body systems, including:

• Cardiovascular
• Muscular
• Respiratory

Aging brains change and as related to hearing induced challenges, Mild Cognitive Impairment or MCI, may gradually occur.

Brain Decay Image

While overall cognitive function may be considered ordinary, family and friends may notice signs and symptoms requiring expert evaluation.

Brains deprived of consistent sound stimuli risk auditory nerve atrophy and, like daily exercise, better hearing acuity stimulates healthy connections. For this reason, our sound advice helps anchor personalized treatment plans. With Ear to Brain a vital domain, we coordinate with Multidisciplinary Care Teams intently focused on best quality of life outcomes.

Essential clinicians may include:

Medical Icons Image

Don’t delay necessary testing! Especially with our growing population of active seniors, it is important to understand how hearing loss relates to cognitive decline. With timely evaluation, we will identify if you or your loved ones have auditory issues which can increase the risk and rate of cognitive decline. May we see you soon?



1 Powell Danielle S., Oh Esther S., Reed Nicholas S., Lin Frank R., Deal Jennifer A.; Hearing Loss and Cognition: What We Know and Where We Need to Go; Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, V. 13 2022,

The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.


    Theos Audiology Solutions, LLC

    Peru, IL

    2200 Marquette Rd. Ste. 115Peru, IL 61354

    Call or Text: 815-374-7954

    Monday: 9am-4pm
    Wednesday: 9am-4pm
    Friday: 9am-4pm

    Peru, IL Google Business Profile

    Galesburg, IL

    360 E. Losey St. Galesburg, IL 61401

    Call or Text: 309-315-3506

    Monday: 8am-4pm
    Tuesday: 8am-1pm
    Wednesday 8am-4pm
    Thursday: 8am-4pm
    Friday: CLOSED

    Streator, IL

    114 N. Monroe St. Unit B Streator, IL 61364

    Call or Text: 815-863-8743

    Tuesdays: 9am-4pm
    Thursdays: 9am-4pm

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