People With Hearing Loss Often Have a Unique Bond With Their Pets

Senior Woman And Pet Dog

Many individuals have strong memories of a beloved family pet. Cats, dogs, birds, rabbits, and a wide variety of other animals can enrich our lives, and even, in some cases, become close companions. For people who have hearing loss, pets can provide additional benefits that improve symptom management and quality of life.

In some cases, pets bring these benefits because they have been specifically trained to do so. Particular jobs or specific kinds of help can be performed by these animals which are trained to provide help to people with hearing loss. Sometimes, though, that isn’t the situation. Friendship and comfort can come from animals with no specialized training. That’s why, in many instances, individuals with hearing loss and their animal friends develop a special and unique bond.

Is owning a pet good for mental health?

Neglected hearing loss can be exceptionally isolating, making it difficult to hear and understand people around you. Communication becomes fraught and, as a result, you may spend less time socializing with other people.

So, is having a pet helpful? Absolutely! A dog, cat, or other companionable animal can communicate in a wide variety of non-verbal ways. And while clear communication is essential with animals, it doesn’t depend on verbal language. When someone has hearing loss, it can be a very lonely time, and being able to connect with an animal friend can provide emotional support and comfort.

Clearly, this doesn’t replace contact between humans. But it can provide some consolation and support when making other connections can be challenging. Pets can also help you discover opportunities to connect with other people. Even if you’re not necessarily talking with others or making new friends, doing things like taking your dog for a walk in the park can give you the opportunity to be around others.

Pets can be great assistants

In the instance of a service dog for hearing impaired individuals, these animals are specially trained to assist their human companions in moving around and functioning in the world. Individuals with hearing loss will frequently fail to hear essential sounds around them and service animals are specifically trained to listen for those sounds and to provide assistance to their human.

Some of the things a service dog for those who have hearing loss is trained to do include the following:

  • Detecting a knock at the door or a ringing doorbell.
  • Observing (and alerting their human) to day-to-day sounds like tea kettles, alarm clocks, or the phone ringing.
  • Detecting dangerous sounds like oncoming traffic.
  • Letting their human know that the smoke detector is sounding.
  • Service dogs can even be trained to recognize their human’s name, and when that human is being spoken to. Individuals with hearing loss will have an easier time communicating with others as a result.

Detecting these sounds and alerting their human to them is something these animals are especially trained to do. But other non-service animals can also be helpful to somebody with hearing loss. Even a non-trained dog can start barking when the doorbell rings. Cats and other animals will also often react to sudden or unfamiliar sounds which their owner will pick up on if they are tuned in to their pet.

A symbiotic relationship

Pets can add many benefits to your life without you even realizing it. They will immediately add a degree of structure to your day-to-day life. For instance, they will need to be walked, fed, and loved several times every day. This structure can be an essential source of comfort. Lots of different types of animal-assisted therapies exist because of this.

But if you’re contemplating getting a pet or service animal, it’s essential to give it some careful consideration. You want to select an animal that’s going to meet your needs and that you will be able to properly care for.

While a service animal can be a great help, they aren’t able to provide the same level of long-term benefits or the same capabilities as a hearing aid. Pets can, however, be wonderful companions and can improve your overall quality of life. They can be a unique and important part of their life.

Call us today for an appointment and start moving toward better hearing!

The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.


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