Enjoying Summer Recreation With Hearing Aids

Man holding grandson at family cookout waiting for grilled food to be done

You have a lively summer planned. Some beach time and lots of swimming for sure. You’ll do some regular running and then maybe attend a ball game or two before heading home and grilling up some tasty dinner. Your schedule will be pretty full. And you want to be sure your hearing aids are up to the task.

Summer activities like these can be difficult on your hearing aids, but these little beneficial devices can be safeguarded without it slowing your summer fun.

Summer hearing aid challenges

Every season will introduce unique challenges with regards to your hearing aids. Climate and weather are the leading obstacles in the summer.

Here are a few summer related challenges:

  • Wind: A strong enough wind can jerk and pull at your hearing aids. And if you’re in an extremely dry environment, wind can also introduce dust and debris into your hearing aids.
  • Debris, sand and dirt: You’re active in the summer. But sand in your hearing aid, such as beach sand, can result in issues.
  • Moisture: During the summer, moisture is almost always a factor, whether from sweat, rain, swimming, or humidity. That’s problematic because moisture can be a major problem for hearing aids.

Part of the reason why these problems are more likely to crop up during the summer is clear: you’re usually outside more often. And when you spend more time outside, you’re more likely to experience a strong gust of wind or a flash rainstorm.

Keeping your hearing aids at optimum performance through the summer

Your hearing aids are made to enhance your quality of life, to make it possible for you to do more. Most people who use hearing aids will want to use them as much as possible, especially through the summer. Taking care of your hearing aids by taking some extra steps can make that happen.

Keeping your hearing aids dry

We’ve established that moisture is the enemy of a well-functioning hearing aid (the more sophisticated the electronics, the worse water becomes). There are several ways you can keep moisture at bay:

  • Wear a sweatband when you’re exercising. Your hearing aids will stay nice and dry because moisture can’t get to them.
  • Don’t wear your hearing aids in the water. Beach day? Great! Don’t forget to take out your hearing aids before going into the water. Of course, the majority of individuals already do this. So lingering moisture in your ears after you get out of the water is the real concern. Using a swim cap or earplugs when you’re swimming is a good idea. This can help keep your ears (and thus your hearing aids) nice and dry.
  • Keep a microfiber towel nearby. In that manner, you can dry out your hearing aids all through the day. This stops moisture from building up when you aren’t watching.
  • Dry your ears thoroughly. Drying your ears totally will help avoid the accidental transference of moisture from your ears to your hearing aids.
  • Air dry your hearing aids while you sleep by opening the battery door. This will help counter damage from corrosion of the battery.

Regularly clean your hearing aids

The growth of bacteria is quickened by moisture and heat. So you should also take a few steps to make sure your hearing aids are staying clean over the summer months. You can do the following:

  • Store your hearing aids in a spot that’s dry and cool. That’s because hearing aids (generally) don’t like exposure to direct sunlight and heat. So don’t put them on your dashboard on the hottest day of summer. Alternatively, make certain they’re tucked away somewhere dry and cool when you aren’t wearing them.
  • Routinely disinfect your hearing aids. You can do this with specially made antibacterial and disinfectant wipes.
  • Watch for the long-term accumulation of debris. As you’re disinfecting your hearing aids, you can also take the time to clear away any debris that may have accumulated. Sometimes, a professional cleaning is necessary.

Be happy, stay active, hear well

Your hearing aids will be there for you for a lifetime and they will improve your summer months especially. There’s a way to keep your hearing aids dry and in good working order whether you’re hiking, swimming, or simply taking an evening stroll around your neighborhood.

The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.


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