How to Recognize and Deal With Hearing Loss in Older Parents

adult daughter greeting and hugging older father.

As our loved ones get older, specific changes in their health can be expected. One of the most common issues they may face is hearing loss. About one out of every three individuals aged 65 to 74 deals with some degree of hearing loss as reported by the National Institute of Health. And for individuals who are older than 75, nearly half of them are having a tough time hearing.

If you’re taking care of a parent, grandparent, or elderly relative, it’s important to stay alert for indicators of hearing loss. Early detection can make a significant difference in managing and improving their quality of life.

How can you tell if a senior has hearing loss?

Below are some key signs that your loved one might be experiencing hearing problems:

Asking people to repeat themselves

Do you regularly need to repeat what you said to your elderly loved one? This is a common sign that they may not be hearing clearly, especially in settings with background noise or multiple speakers.

Cranking the volume up

If they consistently turn up the TV or radio volume so high that it’s uncomfortably loud for others, it could suggest that they are struggling to hear at normal volumes.

Challenges speaking with others

Frustrating misunderstandings can occur when your family member meets somebody but can’t hear them even when they’re talking clearly.

Disputes stemming from miscommunication

Individuals with hearing loss frequently have tense relationships with family and friends because they are accused of “selective hearing” when in reality they simply can’t hear.

Missing essential sounds

It’s a definite sign of hearing loss if your loved one doesn’t notice essential sounds like cellphone notifications, the alarm clock, or car alarm.

Trouble with phone conversations

Phone conversations can be particularly challenging for seniors, and if there is background noise it becomes even more challenging.

Avoidance of social settings

Your loved one might feel self-conscious about their hearing difficulties causing them to remove themselves from social interactions and often seclude themselves.

The affect of neglected hearing loss

Hearing loss has a profound effect on social interaction, emotional well-being, as well as physical health. Neglected hearing loss can lead to solitude, depression, and a decrease in mental function. It’s crucial to recognize the signs early and get treatment to help your loved one maintain their quality of life.

Hearing aids play a significant role

Luckily, hearing loss, especially age-related hearing loss, can frequently be effectively managed with the use of hearing aids. These devices can substantially improve the ability to hear and permit seniors to continue engaging in their normal activities. The health and quality of life for an older individual depend very much upon remaining socially active with family and friends.

Memory problems, cognitive decline, and an increased risk of dementia have all been related to untreated hearing loss by research performed by Johns Hopkins University. However, the disciplined use of hearing aids has been shown to counter or prevent many of these cognitive issues, making it an essential step in taking care of an aging parent or relative.

How you can help

You can help a loved one going through hearing loss in a number of ways. First, motivate them to consult a hearing professional for a comprehensive hearing test. Together, you can explore the available treatment possibilities, including hearing aids.

Being proactive about their own hearing health is also an important thing for your loved one to do. Honesty about their hearing difficulties and a determination to wear their hearing aids routinely is essential. Hearing aids are an essential part of the management of your loved one’s hearing health and are well worth the substantial investment they present.

You can help your family member get back to their active lifestyle by supporting them and encouraging them to deal with their hearing loss as soon as possible. This will enable them to reconnect with family and friends and enjoy the interactions that are so important to their emotional and mental well-being. Your family member will be able to keep living a rewarding life with the correct hearing care and your support.

Contact us to make an appointment for your family member to get their hearing evaluated.

The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.


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