You Should Keep an Eye on Your Aunt’s Hearing, This Is Why

Woman communicating with her hands as she struggles to hear conversation.

You expect certain things as your loved ones get older: Gray hair, needing glasses, stories about “When I was your age”. Hearing loss is another change that we connect with aging. There are many reasons why this happens: Some medications or medical treatments like chemotherapy that cause structural harm to the ear, exposure to loud noises (this could be from loud concerts in your youth or on the job noises), or even natural changes to the inner ear.

But just because an older friend or relative’s hearing loss isn’t a surprise doesn’t mean it’s something you can neglect. This is especially true because you may simply start to speak louder to compensate for the gradual hearing loss your loved one is going through. So here are four principal reasons you should take hearing loss seriously, and speak with your loved one about ways to manage it.

1. Hearing Issues Can Produce Unnecessary Risk

In a bigger building, smoke or fire alarms have a visual element (typically a flashing light) in addition to being incredibly loud, but most home alarms do not. People who suffer from hearing impairment can miss other less extreme day-to-day cues as well: Receiving a phone call, someone ringing the doorbell, or (and yes, we’re back in potentially very dangerous territory here) car horns. Minor inconveniences or even major challenges can be the outcome of reduced hearing.

2. There Can be an Increase in Mental Decline With Hearing Loss

There is a statistically significant connection between age related hearing loss and cognitive decline according to a large meta-study. The process is debated, but the most prevalent theory is that when people have a hard time hearing, they retreat socially, lowering their overall level of engagement and failing to “exercise” their brains. On the other hand, some researchers claim that when we experience hearing loss, our brains work so much harder to process and understand sounds that other cognitive activities get less resources.

3. The High Price of Hearing Loss

If your family member is worried that treating hearing problems could be expensive, here’s a strong counter-argument: Studies have shown that, for a number of reasons, neglected hearing loss can hurt your wallet. For instance, individuals who have ignored hearing loss had, on average, a 33% higher medical expense, according to a 2016 study. Why? People who suffer with hearing loss might have a hard time with communication causing them to avoid preventative care appointments and thereby missing major health concerns which then leads to a larger medical bill down the road. One of the study’s authors proposed that this was precisely the situation. Hearing loss is also connected to mental decline and numerous health problems, as other individuals have pointed out. And if all that’s not enough think about this: For people who haven’t retired, hearing loss is associated with reduced work productivity, potentially having a direct effect on your paycheck.

4. Hearing Loss is Linked to Depression

There can also bo be mental and emotional health consequences that come with hearing issues. The stress and anxiety of not being able to hear others clearly will frequently cause detachment and solitude. This isolation is connected to negative physical and mental consequences especially in the elderly. The good news: Social interaction will produce less anxiety with treatment for hearing impairment and this will result in less depression. Research from the National Council on Aging found that people with hearing difficulty who have hearing aids report reduced symptoms associated with depression and anxiety and more frequently participate in social pursuits.

How You Can Help

Talk! We mean yes, talk to your loved one about hearing loss, and keep the conversation moving. This can help you evaluate the amount of hearing loss by providing a second set of ears and it also furthers mental engagement. Even though the reasons are debated, research has shown that people over 70 under-report hearing impairment. Secondly, motivate your friend or relative to have a consultation with us. Getting your hearing examined on a regular basis can help you grasp how your hearing is changing and can establish a baseline of your current hearing impairment.

The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.


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