Hearing Health Blog

You’re Taking Risks if You go With Over-The-Counter Hearing Aids

Remember when you used to be able to find those gallon buckets of ice cream at the supermarket? An entire gallon of ice cream, yum! But you begin to become more specific in your taste as you mature. You begin opting for the more specialized ice cream: the Haagen-Daaz, the Tillamook, the Ben & Jerry’s. […]

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What You Should Know About Earwax Accumulation

What You Should Know About Earwax Accumulation

When you shower, always remember to wash your ears. It’s difficult not to say that in your “parenting” voice. Maybe when you were a child you even remember your parents telling you to do it. That’s the type of memory that can take you back to simpler times as you wrap yourself in the nostalgia […]

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The Use of Technology in Dealing With Hearing Loss

The Use of Technology in Dealing With Hearing Loss

Are you familiar with what a cyborg is? You probably imagine a half human, half machine when you think about cyborgs, especially if you love science fiction movies (the human condition is frequently cleverly portrayed with these characters). Hollywood cyborgs can seem wildly outlandish. But in reality, someone wearing something as simple as a pair […]

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Does My Hearing Aid Need Professional Repair?

Does My Hearing Aid Need Professional Repair?

You take good care of your hearing aids. Cleaning them daily, you make sure they are safe and comfortable on their charger when you go to bed. But you get pretty distressed when your hearing aids suddenly stop working the way they used to. There are several things you can do to troubleshoot the problem, […]

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Isn’t it Time You Thought About a Hearing Aid Upgrade?

Isn’t it Time You Thought About a Hearing Aid Upgrade?

While it could be true that older hearing aids are better than nothing, chances are what small benefit you get from them may be costly. Within the past few years, hearing aid technology has made significant progress. It’s changed from analog to digital, for one thing, and there are features currently that weren’t even in […]

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Why Having Your Ears Tested Regularly Can Enhance Your Mood

Why Having Your Ears Tested Regularly Can Enhance Your Mood

Assistive listening devices and hearing aids can be used to treat the common condition of hearing loss. However, hearing loss often goes undiagnosed and untreated. For people with hearing loss, this can bring about feelings of social-separation and depression. It can also lead to a breakdown in personal and professional relationships, which itself will foster […]

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How Audiobooks Can be an Important Part of Auditory Training

In the past they were known as “books-on-tape”. Naturally, that was long before CDs, much less digital streaming. Nowadays, people call them audiobooks (which, to be honest, is a far better name). An audiobook allows you to read a book by, well, listening to it. It’s sort of like having somebody read a book aloud […]

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Those Late Night Bar Trips Could be Contributing to Your Tinnitus

Remember the old story of Johnny Appleseed? In elementary school, you might have been taught that he migrated across the US, bringing the gift of healthy apples to every community he visited (you should eat apples because they are good for you and that’s the moral of the story). That’s only somewhat accurate. At the […]

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The History of Hearing Aids

The History of Hearing Aids

When it comes to history, there are three different types of people: those who find history to be incredibly fascinating, individuals who think history is horribly boring, and those who believe history is full of aliens. The history of hearing aids is not about aliens (sorry not sorry). But it’s most likely a lot stranger […]

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    2200 Marquette Rd. Ste. 115Peru, IL 61354

    Call or Text: 815-374-7954

    Monday: 9am-4pm
    Wednesday: 9am-4pm
    Friday: 9am-4pm

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    Call or Text: 309-315-3506

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    Tuesday: 8am-1pm
    Wednesday 8am-4pm
    Thursday: 8am-4pm
    Friday: CLOSED

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    114 N. Monroe St. Unit B Streator, IL 61364

    Call or Text: 815-863-8743

    Tuesdays: 9am-4pm
    Thursdays: 9am-4pm

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